Recommended Books and Apps
Recommended Books
Foundational Concepts:
The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris
If you prefer a more accessible approach: The Illustrated Happiness Trap by Russ Harris
Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation by Dan Siegel
Gender and Sexuality:
You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Self-Discovery by Dara Hoffman-Fox
Love Lives Here: A Story of Thriving in a Transgender Family by Amanda Jette Knox
They/Them/Their by Young
Mind Over Mood by Kristine Padesky
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay
You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Self-Discovery by Dara Hoffman-Fox
Other Topics:
Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole, M.S., F.A.D.A. Elyse Resch, M.S., R.D.
Eating Mindfully by Susan Albers, PhD.
Mobile Applications:
Daylio is a mood and activity micro-journal, which is great for seeing your progress over time and encourage you to continue to do what works.
Mood Meter is an app that can help with giving you more language for how you are feeling. Staring with 2 criteria (energy and pleasant/unpleasant) it helps you to refine how you are feeling and express it well to others.
Waking Up is a unique meditation app. It does not only guide your meditation practice, but it is a meditation training course that helps you to learn the tools and create your own discipline.
DBT Coach helps with tracking skill development as you use tools presented in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Clients tend to find that the more they practice DBT skills the better they are at organically incorporating them into their daily lives.